Tag Index

 academia (2) blog (9) career (5) culture (1) fediverse (1) golang (1) history (1) job-search (1) life (1) linguistics (1) mastodon (1) miscellany (1) personal (2) podcasts (1) programming (1) setup-teardown (1) tech (4) wellbeing (1) work (1)

 academia (2)

Why academia is so threatened by remote work
Some random reflections on leaving academia

 blog (9)

The NBA 3-point shot as a metaphor for Work-From-Home
User Guide?? User Guide!
An inverse 'defer' pattern in Go
A note on good fortune
Why academia is so threatened by remote work
How I found a job on Mastodon
The did-do list
Some random reflections on leaving academia
My favorite podcasts

 career (5)

The NBA 3-point shot as a metaphor for Work-From-Home
User Guide?? User Guide!
A note on good fortune
Why academia is so threatened by remote work
Some random reflections on leaving academia

 culture (1)

My favorite podcasts

 fediverse (1)

How I found a job on Mastodon

 golang (1)

An inverse 'defer' pattern in Go

 history (1)

My favorite podcasts
How I found a job on Mastodon

 life (1)

A note on good fortune

 linguistics (1)

Some random reflections on leaving academia

 mastodon (1)

How I found a job on Mastodon

 miscellany (1)

My favorite podcasts

 personal (2)

How I found a job on Mastodon
The did-do list

 podcasts (1)

My favorite podcasts

 programming (1)

An inverse 'defer' pattern in Go

 setup-teardown (1)

An inverse 'defer' pattern in Go

 tech (4)

The NBA 3-point shot as a metaphor for Work-From-Home
User Guide?? User Guide!
Why academia is so threatened by remote work
Some random reflections on leaving academia

 wellbeing (1)

The did-do list

 work (1)

How I found a job on Mastodon